Keith Allen

Keith Allen is a professional designer, illustrator and paper engineer from Cleveland Ohio with fifteen years professional experience in product design at the greeting card company, American Greetings.
He ventured into self-publishing four years ago with the launch of a successful pop-up book that he created with two very talented family members titled 'A Day in Rehoboth Beach, A Pop-Up Book.'
After tremendous online support, Keith turned to crowdfunding to fund and self-publish his second title "What a Mess! A Pop-Up Misadventure." Keith was inspired by his two children to write, Illustrate and paper-engineer 'What a Mess,' a story about two kids who don't want to clean their room.
Keith has just completed his third pop-up title, "Wings Over Washington," a story about the state of Washington and is open for job inquiries. He is available for pop-up workshops, creative presentations, and school/library visits.